The Surprising Truth on Paying Mortgage Points to Lower Your Interest Rate

In theory, the longer you plan to own a property, paying more points upfront helps you save on interest over the life of the loan.

And what investor doesn’t like having lower expenses and more cash in their pocket?

Conversely, paying upfront points is expensive and can slow your velocity of money.

So what should you do as an investor?

Click here to learn what you should consider BEFORE paying mortgage points to lower your rate.



PS: When you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you…

1.Schedule a 30-minute Investor Accelerator Strategy call

In this 30-minute call, we will uncover your money mindset, your investment strategy, and the next steps for you to take to achieve results. Everything changes the moment you have a clear plan and take confident action.  Click here to schedule

2. Join the Investor Accelerator System

The Investor Accelerator is a brand-new online experience that’s the fastest path to create financial freedom with real estate.  We will create a clear workable plan that gives you the results you dream of, solves your business startup or scaling issues and sets you on the path to create lasting wealth through real estate. Click here to learn more

3. Finally, put aside the time your business deserves…

Join me in The Investor Accelerator Mastermind and let’s get your business up and running, unstuck and scaling.  In this Mastermind setting, we will focus 100% on finally eliminating distractions and getting things done — get your target market chosen, a team in place, your deal funnel filled, and more.  You’ll get more done in just a few short weeks than you have up until now. Click here to apply.

Picture of Whitney


After purchasing my first rental in 2002, and hitting a home run, I nearly lost it all on my second deal. Fast forward to now, I control 6,500+ residential units and 1430+ self-storage units across 7 states. At ASH Wealth, I'll help you develop the mindsets, skills, strategies, and network you need in order to take consistent and persistent action and drive massive progress towards your real estate and financial goals.

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